Mindful Buteyko Breathing Course – Make a Payment
Once you have completed your course enrolment form, you can pay for your course by clicking below. You can pay with your credit/debit card or by using a Paypal Account.
Mindful Buteyko Breathing Course Enrolment
with signed copy of ‘Breathless Sleep… no more‘
Mindful Buteyko Breathing Course Enrolment
Following completion of the Course many people experience significant improvement in their condition and their symptoms. Those conditions include sleep apnoea, snoring, insomnia, asthma, hay fever, allergies, sinusitis, anxiety, chronic fatigue and emphysema.
The Course includes follow up support over a 3 month period as needed. That support includes email and telephone support as well as support via Zoom on a regular basis (if requested).
By the end of the 3 month period new breathing habits should have well and truly formed if the breathing exercises have been practised correctly and diligently.