Mindful Buteyko Breathing Course
Free Information Seminar
Before deciding to enrol in the Course you may like to view an Information Seminar which is the first session of the 5-session Course.
The seminar will provide useful information on:
- An overview of the Course
- The science behind Mindful Buteyko Breathing
- The history of Mindful Buteyko Breathing
- My personal experience with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
- Breathing strategies you can adopt immediately to improve your quality of sleep and reduce your symptoms
You may watch the Information Seminar here :
Course Enrolment
If you have decided to attend a Course via Zoom please complete the Enrolment Form and Payment Form
When we receive your Course Enrolment Form and payment of the requested fee we will contact you to arrange the Second Session within 7 days. Or you can book the second session online.
Following completion of the Course, many people experience significant improvement in their condition and their symptoms. Those conditions include sleep apnoea, snoring, insomnia, asthma, hay fever, allergies, sinusitis, anxiety, chronic fatigue and emphysema.
The Course includes follow-up support for 3 months as necessary. That support includes email and telephone contact and if requested, support via Zoom.